Sunday Masses

6:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass
9:30 am Sunday Mass

Weekday Masses

9:00 am Monday to Friday
except Tuesday 7:00 pm 
10:00 am Saturday

Note: The weekday Mass time can sometimes change so please check with the latest newsletter.


5.00 pm - 5.45 pm Saturday (and upon request)

Recent Newsletters

Click here to see Recent Newsletters


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Coffee Mornings after 9:30 Mass - There will be no coffee mornings on 4th, 11th, 18th August while work is being done in the Centre and many are on holiday.  See you 25th August onwards.

Our next meeting will be the last one before the summer holidays. It is our Strawberry party on Tuesday 16th July, after Parish Mass at 7.00pm. All very welcome, we hope to have some friends from the other York parishes. 

Our next meeting is on Tuesday 18th June at 7.30pm. After the parish Mass at 7.00pm. Father Bill will give a talk on his recent visit to Istanbul. All most welcome. 

Saturday 15th June at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Tickets will be on sale from this weekend £5 per adult, £1 per child includes a pie & pea supper and entry to quiz.

Thanks to everyone who attended or helped.  It was a lovely evening and we raised £350 for SVP funds.


Our annual trip takes place on Wednesday 12th June, leaving church at 9.30am and returning approximately 5pm. The cost of the bus is £23 but there will also be a tea/coffee stop at How Stean Gorge Cafe plus lunch at The Crown, as additional costs. Outdoor Mass will be 12 noon, one place on the coach is left for info 07950488685.

Visit to Wass this Tuesday, 4th June to the Benedictine nuns. We are leaving from St. Aelred's church car park at 10.30am, returning for 4.30pm.  Some people have been away, so it is important that you let me know if you are intending to come. Please contact me as soon as possible, and let me know if you wish to come on the minibus or are travelling by car.  Please phone 01904424219, or text 07855288851, or email srahannsheils

CAFOD  Summary 2024
                                                              Received             round up     Cheques sent       GAD Tax Back           Total inc GAD
                                                                   £                                 £                          £                             £                                      £
March Family Fast                            406.60                       3.40                410.00                    33.75                            443.75

Parish Big Lent Walk                       300.00                                                300.00                    50.00                            350.00

Lenten Lunches                            1,162.20                    127.80            1,290.00                 214.50                        1,504.50

Sudan Appeal                                1,341.96                        8.04             1,350.00                    35.00                        1,385.00

                                                           3,210.76                   139.24           3,350.00                 333.25                       3,683.25


St. Aelred's Community Centre, 16th March 7pm to 10pm, £5 on the door; bring own drinks and nibbles, all in aid of HCPT. Any musicians, singers, dancers are welcome to join the band; 07950488685 for more info. 

If you pay tax, please help to boost this weekend's collection for our retired priests by completing a White Gift Aid Envelope and mark it "RPWF".  Envelopes are available at each entrance near the Holy Water stoups. You are welcome to take an envelope home to complete, and return in the next couple of weeks. The Gift Aid refund boosts your donation by 25%.